Review of The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is the twenty-eighth game in the Legend Of Zelda franchise from Japanese game company Nintendo and directed by Japanese game designer Eiji Aonuma. 


In Breath of the Wild you play as Link, the hero of the Kingdom of Hyrule, who is reincarnated across the ages to fight evil. However this time, rather than starting out as a simple farmer or soldier, this Link is a pre-established hero who was wounded during the Great Calamity a hundred years prior to the events of the game. Our Hero now without his memories and the Sword that Seals the Darkness, the Master Sword must face the vast Kingdom of Hyrule in order to conquer the four Divine Beasts and the Blights that infest them and then ultimately destroy the cause of the calamity, Ganon to free Princess Zelda from his clutches. 
The story itself is similar to the stories of many other Zelda games with the fact that you rise from nothing and overcome evil to save the princess, a simple retelling of Cambell's Hero's Journey. Whilst other Zelda Games have had more enriched stories and better character arcs, Breath of the Wild is still successful in providing a satisfying story with characters that you can relate to.

Link, the protagonist


One of the key goals during the development of Breath of the Wild was to 'break the conventions' of a Zelda game. Due to this goal Breath of the Wild plays differently to the previous installments of the franchise. For example one addition to the game that wasn't present in past Zelda games is the ability to jump, this hasn't been a feature in previous games for unkno. Another, more key noticeable difference is how in this game your weapons break frequently, this can be highly inconvenient and slightly frustrating, however it encourages you, the player to explore the world in order to find stronger, more durable weapons and tools which leads into my next point, exploration. 
Exploration is the most significant feature in the Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild as for the first time ever, the game is fully free roam, meaning you can go anywhere in the Kingdom of Hyrule following the tutorial section, which unlike most video game tutorials is engaging and all-round fun.
A minor grievance that I have with the gameplay is your mortality. It is very easy to die, and it happens a lot, especially at the start of the game. I feel this may discourage younger players who are new to the Zelda franchise may feel that they are getting nowhere in the game, especially during the tutorial area where you encounter cold weather for the first time, the cold slowly takes your life force away and if you do not constantly eat, you will perish.


I feel that the Legend of Zelda Breath Of the Wild is a successful addition to the franchise and a highly enjoyable game. I suggest that if you have a Wii U, buy this game. And if you have a Nintendo Switch and don't have this game, buy it. It is highly enjoyable and virtually impossible to put down, however, be warned. It is a large game and it took me two weeks to complete so if you don't have a lot of free time, caution is advised. 
